For the needs of our coverage on youngster sexual abuse materials, a minor is an individual under 18 years of age. As slowly because the queue moves, Bethany’s mind continuously drifts off. She wishes she could possibly be anywhere else, and she or he wonders what Niamh’s doing, lamenting that she hadn’t been courageous enough to get the opposite woman’s contact information before her vacation lastly came to an end. Help us understand why you imagine this content violates our terms of service or is in any other case objectionable by offering additional information/element.

We are committed to protecting our community and the customers of our platform. RedTube is a consumer-pushed platform, whose goal is to supply a sex-optimistic surroundings for accountable customers. If, nonetheless, you believe certain content material is inappropriate, you can use the flagging feature to submit the content material for review by our RedTube workers. All content material that’s reported through our flagging characteristic is reviewed to make sure it is not in violation of our Terms of Services. However, flagging something does not imply that it will get mechanically eliminated. If the content does violate our Terms of Services, the content will be eliminated and the associated accounts could be permanently closed. For more info on our policies, how we enforce our policies, and tips on how to report content material that you just assume might violate our Terms of Service, please visit our Trust and Safety web page.

The content incites violence and/or hatred against identifiable people and/or teams of persons. The content options activity which poses an actual threat or likelihood of causing serious physical injury or demise to the individual featured and/or appears potentially non-consensual.